Entry in Which I Summarize a Majority of This Rather Boring Journal

by Melissa

Age 11, sixth grade

My school journal is not very exciting, so I’m going to give you a bullet-pointed highlight reel.  Hm, let’s see  we have:

  • Several entries where I miss Julie Miller, including one that is kind of a letter to her that I never sent
  • Several in which I discuss “hating” patrol, which is the team of sixth graders who bosses little kids around near the buses before and after school in the name of safety.  (Though I claimed to hate it, I actually reveled in the ability to shout “WALK!” to little kids who dared to break into a run on my watch.  We had orange reflective vests and everything.)
  • Four entries in which I mention what kind of pen I am using/the pen’s origin.
  • 75% of entries mention how much I love Coffie Break.  By about December I begin to call it Coffee Break but in April it’s Coffie Break again.
  • Entry in which I name my favorite songs:  Kokamo by the Beach Boys (“It’s number one on the American Top 40!”), Locamotion (“I can even do the dance to it.”) Also Naughty girls need love by Samantha Fox.
  • One entry which simply reads: “Today is a miraculous day.  I can’t tell you why.”
  • Five entire pages of me going “I’m writing writing writing writing writing writing” (etc.)
  • One entry in which I declare that I am going with someone, but am not allowed to say who.  (My stipulation, or his?)
  • Several entries in which I like, dislike, then relike individual friends.
  • One entry that begins: “Today is the first day of the rest of my life,” which then devolves into boringness.  Anticlimactic, that.
  • An entry in which I declare a hatred for basketball.
  • Entries in which I channel future Facebook users and simply write the lyrics to songs
  • Etc.

Comment here, in a kind and loving manner.